Measuring the Distance Between Two WaypointsYou can measure the distance between two locations.1 From the map page, select ENTER > MEASURE DISTANCE.2 Select FROM:, and select a starting waypoint.3 Select TO:, and select an ending waypoint.4 Select ESTIMATED SPEED:.5 Select ENTER to select a digit.6 Select or to edit the speed.7 Select OK?.The total distance between the two waypoints and the estimated travel time appear.Editing a Waypoint1 From the menu page, select WAYPOINTS > LIST ALL.2 Select a waypoint.3 Select or to scroll through the symbol, elevation, latitude, and longitude.4 Select ENTER to edit the symbol, elevation, latitude, or longitude.5 Select an option:• To change the symbol, select the waypoint symbol from the list.• To change the elevation, latitude, or longitude, follow the on-screen instructions.Projecting a WaypointYou can create a new waypoint by projecting the distance and bearing from an existing waypoint to a newlocation.1 From the menu page, select WAYPOINTS > LIST ALL.2 Select a waypoint.3 Select OPTIONS > PROJECT.4 Enter the distance.5 Enter the bearing.6 Select OK?.Deleting a Waypoint1 From the menu page, select WAYPOINTS > LIST ALL.2 Select a waypoint.3 Select DELETE > YES.Deleting All WaypointsFrom the menu page, select SETUP > RESET > DELETE ALL WAYPOINTS > YES.Waypoints, Routes, and Tracks 7