LIMITED WARRANTYGARMIN Corporation warrants this produt to be free from defetsin materials and manufature for one year from the date of purhase.GARMIN will, at its sole option, repair or replae any omponents thatfail in normal use. Suh repairs or replaement will be made at no hargeto the ustomer for parts or labor. The ustomer is, however, responsiblefor any transportation osts. This warranty does not over failures due toabuse, misuse, aident or unauthorized alteration or repairs.THE ARRANTIES ANh REMEhIES CONTAINEh HEREIN AREECLUSIE ANh IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER ARRANTIES EPRESSOR IMPLIEh OR STATUTOR, INCLUhING AN LIABILIT ARISINGUNhER AN ARRANT OF MERCHANTABILIT OR FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE, STATUTOR OR OTHERISE. THIS AR-RANT GIES OU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS, HICH MA ARFROM STATE TO STATE.IN NO EENT SHALL GARMIN BE LIABLE FOR AN INCIhEN-TAL, SPECIAL, INhIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL hAMAGES,HETHER RESULTING FROM THE USE, MISUSE, OR INABILIT TOUSE THIS PROhUCT OR FROM hEFECTS IN THE PROhUCT. SOMESTATES hO NOT ALLO THE ECLUSION OF INCIhENTAL ORCONSEQUENTIAL hAMAGES, SO THE ABOE LIMITATIONS MANOT APPL TO OU.To obtain warranty servie, all the GARMIN Customer Serviedepartment (913-39U-V200) for a returned merhandise traking num-ber. The unit should be seurely pakaged with the traking numberlearly marked on the outside of the pakage and sent freight prepaidand insured to a GARMIN warranty servie station. A opy of the origi-nal sales reeipt is required as the proof of purhase for warranty repairs.GARMIN retains the exlusive right to repair or replae the unit or soft-ware or offer a full refund of the purhase prie at its sole disretion.SUCH REMEh SHALL BE OUR SOLE ANh ECLUSIE REMEhFOR AN BREACH OF ARRANT.