nüvifone G60 user’s guide Connect to Other DevicesTransfer FilesYou can transfer files, such as MP3sand JPEGs, to your nüvifone.1. If necessary, insert a microSDcard in the memory card slot onthe side of the nüvifone.2. Connect the nüvifone (not thecradle) to your computer using amini-USB cable.3. Touch Yes to change to massstorage mode.Two additional drives (volumes)appear in the list of drives on yourcomputer. One is the availablestorage in the internal memoryof the nüvifone. The other is thememory card inserted into thenüvifone.4. Double-click the My Computericon (Windows ® computers) orthe mounted-volume icon (Mac ®computers) on your computer.5. Copy and paste the files you wantto transfer into the Garmin folder.nOTE: Your nüvifone cannotsend or receive phone calls or textmessages while in mass storagemode.Set Up a Wi-FiConnectionTurn On Wi-Fi1. From the Home screen, touchSettings > System > Wi-Fi.2. Touch Wi-Fi Off.3. Touch On > OK.Connect to a Network1. From the Home screen, touchSettings > System > Wi-Fi.2. Select a network. indicatesnetworks that require anencryption key.3. Enter an encryption key, ifnecessary, and touch Done.