11XM Radio IntroductionPart Two: Section 1Part Two:XM RadioSection 1: IntroductionOverviewThe GDL 69 is a remote sensor that receivesbroadcast weather data from a data service of XM Sat-ellite Radio, Inc. The GDL 69A is similar to the GDL69, but also receives audio entertainment broadcastsfrom another service of XM Satellite Radio. The 400Wand 500W series units serve as the display and controlhead for your remotely mounted GDL 69/69A satelliteradio.Before the GDL 69/69A can be used, the unitmust be activated by XM Satellite Radio with a servicesubscription through XM Satellite Radio. Please notethat the GDL 69 is a weather data link. The GDL 69Ais a weather data link and audio receiver. The data linkservice and the audio entertainment services must beactivated separately.Your GDL 69 or GDL 69A is shipped with oneor two radio hardware identifications, respectively.These IDs serve as identification codes for your XM-equipped GDL 69/69A and are needed in the activa-tion process. The ID(s) is (are) attached to the Activa-tion Instructions and printed on a label on the back ofthe unit. The IDs can also be retrieved through yourunit in the XM Information page of the Aux function.Contact your dealer or customer service if you areunable to locate the radio hardware IDs.Weather and/or audio data from your GDL 69/69Aare provided by XM Satellite Radio, a companyseparate and independent from Garmin Corporation.Have your radio hardware IDs ready before contact-ing XM Satellite Radio. During the process, you canselect services for subscription. Keep in mind that theGDL 69 has no audio capability, audio services will notbe available with the unit.Follow the GDL 69/69A XM Satellite Radio Activa-tion Instructions (190-00355-04) enclosed with yourGDL 69/69A unit to activate the XM products.XM Radio PagesTo reach the XM pages:1. From any page, press and hold CLR to selectthe Default NAV Page. (You may skip this stepif you are already viewing any of the mainpages.)2. Turn the large right knob to select the AUXpage group. “AUX” appears in the lower rightcorner of the screen.3. Turn the small right knob to select the XMAudio, XM Information, or XM WX Timestampspages.XM Weather page is displayed in the NAV pagegroup. The XM Audio function pages are displayed inthe AUX page group.XM NAV PagesWhen a GDL 69 or GDL 69A is installed, the fol-lowing XM-related pages appear in the NAV group ofpages:• Map Page. The Map page (the second pagein the NAV page group) becomes capable ofdisplaying weather data and the boundariesof areas with Temporary Flight Restrictions(TFRs).• XM Weather Page. The XM Weather page isinserted as the third page of the NAV page group,immediately after the Map page. This page is likethe map page, but can show NEXRAD weatherdata, colored flags showing which airports haveMETARs (current weather observations—Meteo-rological Aerodrome Reports), Lightning (LTNG)190-00356-30 Rev C