Page 1-2 GMA 1347D Installation ManualRevision C 190-00303-211.2.1 Features Summary• Logical front panel layout• LED annunciators indicate selected function• Five position intercom: pilot and four passengers• Two stereo headset amplifiers: one for the pilot and one for the passengers• Two stereo music source inputs• Two selectable intercom operational modes• VOX control for mic inputs• Automatic selection of radio audio source when corresponding mic is selected• MASQTM Processing• COM swap function• TX indication• SmartMuteTM marker audio muting• Speaker output for radios• Power-off fail safe connection for Pilot PTT, mic and Pilot’s Headset-Left to ON-SIDE COM• Digital audio interface• Voice Recorder• Cockpit Call (-20 only)1.2.2 Interface SummaryThe following is an interface summary for the GMA 1347D. See Section 4 and Appendix B forconnection details.• 3 Transceiver Inputs/Outputs (Figure B-4)• 1 Speaker Output (Figures B-1 and B-2)• 2 Headset Outputs (Figure B-3)• 5 Microphone Inputs (Figure B-3)• 5 Receiver Inputs (Figure B-4)• 4 Unswitched Inputs (Figure B-4)• 6 Digital Audio Inputs (Figure B-5)• 2 Aircraft Power Inputs (Figures B-1 and B-2)• Discrete Inputs/Outputs (Figure B-6)• PFD/MFD Reversionary Mode outputs (Figures B-1 and B-2)• 2 RS-232 Inputs/Outputs (Figure B-5)• Marker Beacon Antenna Input (Figures B-1 and B-2)• External Marker Beacon Lamp Driver Outputs (Figure B-6)