190-00858-11 GMA 35/35c Installation ManualRev. H Page 1-51.4 CertificationThe conditions and tests required for TSO/ETSO approval of this article are minimum performancestandards. It is the responsibility of those installing this article either on or within a specific type or class ofaircraft to determine that the aircraft installation conditions are within the TSO/ETSO standards.TSO/ETSO articles must have separate approval for installation in an aircraft. The article may be installedonly if performed under 14 CFR part 43 or the applicable airworthiness requirements.1.4.1 TSO/ETSO ComplianceTable 1-5. GMA 35 (011-02299-00) TSO/ETSO ComplianceFunction TSO/ETSO CategoryApplicable LRUSW PartNumberApplicableLRU BootBlock PartNumbersAirborne Radio MarkerReceiving EquipmentTSO-C35d A006-B0772-0(_)006-B0772-5(_)006-B0773-0(_)006-B0773-5(_)All006-B0772-B(_)except006-B0772-BAand all006-B0773-B(_)except006-B0773-BAETSO-2C35dAircraft Audio Systems andEquipmentTSO-C139ETSO-C139 Class IbTable 1-6 GMA 35 (011-02299-20) and GMA 35c (011-02299-40) TSO/ETSO ComplianceFunction TSO/ETSO CategoryApplicable LRUSW PartNumberApplicableLRU BootBlock PartNumbersAirborne Radio MarkerReceiving Equipment TSO-C35d A006-B2103-0(_)006-B2104-0(_)All006-B2013-B(_)except006-B2103-BAthrough006-B2103-BDand all006-B2104-B(_)except006-B2104-BAthrough006-B2104-BDAircraft Audio Systems andEquipment TSO-C139 Class Ib