190-01134-12 Rev. DGarmin GMA 350 Pilot’s Guide24GMA 350 Audio PanelCLEARANCE RECORDER AND PLAYERThe GMA 350 contains a digital clearance recorder that records up to2.5 minutes of the selected COM radio signal. Recorded COM audio isstored in separate memory blocks. Once 2.5 minutes of recording timehave been reached, the recorder begins recording over the stored memoryblocks, starting from the oldest block.Pressing the PLAY Key once plays the latest recorded memory block. ThePlay function can also be accessed via Voice Recognition commands. Referto the ‘Voice Recognition’ section for more information.Pressing the MKR/MUTE Key during play of a memory block stops play.If a COM signal is detected during play of a recorded memory block, playis halted.Pressing the PLAY Key while audio is playing begins playing the previouslyrecorded memory block. Each subsequent press of the PLAY Key selectsthe previously recorded memory block.Powering off the unit automatically clears all recorded blocks.Marker Mute KeyStops PlayVOICE RECOGNITIONVoice Recognition allows the pilot (and optionally copilot) to control theGMA 350 using spoken commands. To activate Voice Recognition, pushand hold the Push-to-Command (PTC) button while speaking a command.When the Push-to-Command button is released, the GMA 350 will respond.If a command is correctly interpreted by the GMA 350, a positiveacknowledgement chime will be played, and the pilot should verify that thecorrect button selection is indicated by the triangular annunciator lights.Alternatively, some commands will be indicated by a voice response fromthe GMA 350. If the desired modes are not indicated by annunciator lightsor a voice response, the pilot should repeat the command by using thePush-to-Command button, or by manually using the front panel controlsof the GMA 350.