190-01134-12 Rev. KGarmin GMA 350/350c Pilot’s Guide24GMA 350/350c Audio PanelThe annunciator over the Key will be flashing blue. Anycombination of the annunciators over the PILOT, COPLT, andPASS buttons may be blue. Select the desired button to turn the blueannunciator on or off to distribute the telephone/entertainment audio toselected crew/passenger positions. Turn the large knob to select MUS1or MUS2 and select the crew positions to receive the music audio.Selecting any key other than PILOT, COPLT, PASS, MUS1, MUS2,or will cancel Blue-Select Mode. Pressing the small knob willalso cancel Blue-Select Mode. After approximately 20 seconds with noinput, the Blue-Select Mode will automatically cancel.ADJUSTING INTERCOM VOLUMEWhen the cursor is on PILOT, COPLT, or PASS, the Volume ControlKnob adjusts the intercom volume for the listener.ADJUSTING MANUAL SQUELCHWhen the cursor is on MAN SQ, the Volume Control Knob adjuststhe ICS Squelch Threshold (the volume level that must be exceeded tobe heard over the intercom).ADJUSTING SPEAKER VOLUMEWhen the cursor is on SPKR, the Volume Control Knob adjusts thespeaker volume of the selected sources (COM, NAV, AUX, MKR).ADJUSTING MKR, AUX, , AND MUSIC VOLUMEWhen the cursor is on MKR, AUX, , MUS1 or MUS2, the VolumeControl Knob adjusts the individual volume of the selected source.