3-11190-01182-01 Rev. A Garmin GNC 255A/255B Pilot’s Guide3.3.2 Nav User FrequenciesUp to 15 Nav User Frequencies can be saved with an assigned waypoint(WPT) identifier and Type. Viewing the Nav User Frequency1. Press FUNC to access the Functions. Turn the LARGE knob toselect the Nav Frequency List Function. Turn the SMALL knobto view the Nav User Frequency function. Then, press ENT.Position In List.Turn SMALL KnobTo Select Entry.Selected FrequencyPress FLIP/FLOP Key To SetSelected Freq As ActivePress ENT Key To SetSelected Freq As StandbyActive FrequencyFigure 3-16 Viewing User Nav Frequencies2. Turn the SMALL knob to view the Nav User Frequencies.3. Press and release the FLIP/FLOP key to set the displayedfrequency as the Active frequency.4. Press the ENT key to set the displayed frequency as the Standbyfrequency. Deleting the Nav User Frequency1. While viewing a Nav User frequency, press the CLR key todelete the displayed User frequency.Position In List.Turn SMALL KnobTo Select Entry.Selected FrequencyPress ENT To Delete TheSelected FreqPress ENT Key To ConfirmDeleting The FrequencyActive FrequencyFigure 3-17 Deleting User Nav Frequencies2. Press the ENT key to delete the displayed frequency.