Section 5Direct-to & Route NavigationOne of the many benefits of GPS navigation is the ability to fly directly to a way-point or fly a chain of waypoints without using ground-based navigation aids. To takeadvantage of the convenience and efficiency provided by point-to-point GPS naviga-tion, the GNC 300 provides two basic methods of selecting a destination for yourflight: direct-to and route navigation. The direct-to function provides a fast way toset a course to a destination waypoint from your present position. The route functionallows the pilot to create a chain of waypoints to fly in sequence.As you pass each waypoint in the route, the GNC 300’s automatic leg sequencingand turn anticipation features will automatically select the next waypoint as the‘active to’ waypoint and provide smooth steering guidance around the turn. If you arenot currently navigating a particular route leg (e.g., your starting position is not aroute waypoint), the automatic leg selection feature will select the leg closest to yourpresent position as the active leg.58APPENDIX ACurrent Messages&ROUTE TERMINOLOGYThe diagram at the right shows a basic routeconsisting of five waypoints and four legs.The waypoint you are travelling to is called the‘active-to’ waypoint, and the waypoint immediatelybehind you is called the ‘active-from’ waypoint. Thecourse line between the active from and the active towaypoint is called the ‘active leg’.ACTIVE LEGEOSKTULSGFKSTL'ACTIVE FROM' WAYPOINT 'ACTIVE TO' WAYPOINTMAPSECTION5 DIRECT-TO& ROUTE NAV