GNS 530(A) Quick ReferenceKEYS AND KNOBS3190-00181-01 Rev. G(11) ENT Key – Used to approve an operation or completedata entry. It is also used to confirm information duringpower on.(12) Small Right Knob – Used to select pages withinthe page groups. Press this knob momentarily to displaythe on-screen cursor. The cursor allows the pilot to enterdata and/or make a selection from a list of options. Whenentering data, the small right knob is used to select thedesired letter or number and the large right knob is usedto move to the next character space. The small right knobis also used to move the target pointer up (turn clockwise)or down (counterclockwise) when the map panningfunction is active.(13) Large Right knob – Used to select page groups:NAV, WPT, AUX, or NRST. With the on-screen cursorenabled, the large right knob allows the pilot to movethe cursor about the page. The large right knob is alsoused to move the target pointer right (turn clockwise) orleft (counterclockwise) when the map panning functionis active.bottom Row KeyS(14) CDI Key – Used to toggle which navigation source(GPS or VLOC) provides output to an external HSI orCDI.(15) OBS Key – Used to select manual or automaticsequencing of waypoints. Pressing the OBS Key selectsOBS mode, which retains the current ‘active to’ waypointas the navigation reference even after passing the waypoint(i.e., prevents sequencing to the next waypoint). Pressingthe OBS Key again returns the unit to normal operation,with automatic sequencing of waypoints. When OBSmode is selected, the pilot may set the desired courseto/from a waypoint using the Select OBS Course pop-upwindow, or an external OBS selector on the HSI or CDI.(16) MSG Key – Used to view system messages and toalert the pilot to important warnings and requirements.(17) FPL Key – Allows the pilot to create, edit, activate,and invert flight plans, as well as access approaches,departures, and arrivals. A closest point to flight planfeature is also available from the FPL Key. See pages 17and 18 for more information on flight plans.(18) VNAV (Vertical Navigation) Key – Allows thepilot to create a three-dimensional profile which providesguidance to a final (target) altitude at a specified location.(19) PROC Key – Allows the pilot to select and removeapproaches, departures, and arrivals from the flight plan.When using a flight plan, available procedures for thedeparture and/or arrival airport are offered automatically.Otherwise, the pilot may select the desired airport, thenthe desired procedure.Powering on the GNS 5301) Turn the COM Power/Volume Knob clockwiseto turn the unit power on and set the desiredradio volume.2) A welcome page appears briefly while the unitperforms a self test, followed sequentially by theUnit Type Page and the Software Version Page.Then (depending on configuration) the WeatherPage, the Traffic Page, the Aviation DatabasePage, and the Land/Terrain/Obstacles DatabasePage are sequentially displayed.3) Once the self-test concludes, the DatabaseVersions Page appears which shows the currentdatabase information on the NavData® Cardand Terrain Data Cards. Press the ENT Keyto acknowledge the Database Versions Pageand proceed to the Instrument Panel Self-testPage.