1To install the carrying lanyard,place the loop at the end of the lan-yard through the thumb loop onthe battery cover, route the lanyardback through the loop and pulltight.Battery InstallationThe GPS 12CX operates on 4 AA batteries (in-cluded), which are installed at the base of the unit. Thesebatteries provide up to 36 hours of use in “Power Saver”mode.To install the batteries:1. Remove the battery cover by turning thethumb loop at the bottom of the unit 1/4 turncounter- clockwise.2. Insert the batteries into position. Thebattery pole that you can still see shouldmatch the symbol (+ or -) marked on the case.3. Replace and secure the battery cover byturning the thumb loop 1/4 turn clockwise.Battery life varies due to a variety of factors, includ-ing temperature and backlighting. You may find thatlithium batteries provide longer life in colder condi-tions.QUICK STARTBatteryInstallation