10 GPS 17 Installation GuideU SING THE GPS 17U SING THE GPS 17First Time FixThe first time you turn on your GPS 17, the receiver must begiven an opportunity to collect satellite data and determineits present position. To ensure proper initialization, the GPS17 is shipped from the factory in AutoLocate® mode, whichallows the receiver to “find itself” anywhere in the world.When turned on, the GPS 17 searches for satellites. Afterit has calculated an initial position fix, the GPS 17 outputsnavigation data. For more information about the dataoutput by the GPS 17, refer to the GPS 16/17 TechnicalSpecifications located on the Garmin Web site.WAAS CapabilityThe GPS 17 can receive WAAS (Wide Area AugmentationSystem) satellite signals. WAAS is an FAA-funded projectto improve the overall integrity of the GPS signal andincrease position accuracy for users in North America.The system is made up of satellites and approximately25 ground reference stations positioned across the UnitedStates that monitor GPS satellite data. Two master stations,located on either coast, collect data from the referencestations and create a GPS data correction message. Initialreception of the WAAS signal may take up to 20 minutes.According to the FAA’s Web site, testing in September 2002of WAAS confirmed an accuracy performance of 1–2 metershorizontal and 2–3 meters vertical throughout the majorityof the continental United States and portions of Alaska. Formore information, go to http://gps.faa.gov/Programs/WAAS/waas.htm.WAAS is just one service provider that adheres to theminimum operational performance standard for globalSatellite Based Augmentation Systems (SBAS). Eventually,there will be several services of worldwide geostationarycommunication satellites and ground reference stations.All SBAS systems use the same receiver frequency and arecapable of providing your GPS unit with increased accuracyat any location in the world.