09/25/02 GPS_field_guide 8:19 A9/P920The 'UNITS' setup pageThis page (Figure 21) allows the user to setup the units of the different parameters. It isimportant to make sure that this page contains the setting specific to the WHS asindicated in the Figure 21 a) and in the Quick Reference Guide.Figure 21 - The 'UNITS' page (a) with the scroll down list (b)To change the value or format in a specific field you have to first highlight it using the UPor DOWN button (e.g. the position format field on the Figure 21). Press the ENTERbutton to make the corresponding scroll down list appear from which you will select thedesired format or value (Figure 21). Press the ENTER button again in order to save thechange. The variance field cannot be change, this value is given by the GPS unit andconnected with the Earth's magnetic field variation.Ones all the units have been setup it is possible to keep them as default be highlightingthe 'DEFAULTS' option and pressing the ENTER buttonThe 'SYSTEM' setup pageThis page (Figure 22) allows the user to fix the operation mode (Normal, Battery Save,Demonstration). It is recommended to put the device in the 'BATTERY SAVE' mode inorder to extend their life. It is also possible to set the receiver language. We recommendusing the receiver in English in order to follow the instruction reported on the differentdocuments provided. It may however be useful in certain case to change the language inorder to improve understanding of some options.Changes can be done as in the other pages by highlightning the concerned field, pressingthe 'ENTER' button to make the scroll down list appear, selecting the desired language andpressing the 'ENTER' button again to save the change.Figure 22 - The 'SYTEM' pagea) b)