622. Use the ROCKER KEYPAD to highlight ‘Anchor Drag’ and press ENTER. A pop-upwindow will appear.3. Use the ROCKER KEYPAD to highlight ‘On’ or ‘Off’ and press ENTER.4. To define the alarm distance, use the ROCKER KEYPAD to highlight the anchordrag distance field and press ENTER. Use the ROCKER KEYPAD and ENTER toenter the maximum allowable drift distance.To enable/disable the proximity alarm:1. Follow the steps on page 54 to select the Alarms Setup Page.2. Use the ROCKER KEYPAD to highlight ‘Proximity’ and press ENTER. A pop-upwindow will appear.3. Use the ROCKER KEYPAD to highlight ‘On’ or ‘Off’ and press ENTER.4. To specify the proximity waypoint and alarm radius, use the ROCKER KEYPAD tohighlight the first blank line under ‘Proximity Waypoints’ and press ENTER. Usethe ROCKER KEYPAD and ENTER to specify the waypoint category and waypointname. (Use the steps on pages 26-32 is you need more guidance.) With the proxim-ity waypoint selected, highlight the ‘Radius’ field adjacent to the waypoint nameand press ENTER. Use the ROCKER KEYPAD and ENTER to enter the alarmradius.5. To remove a proximity waypoint or all proximity waypoints from the list, use theROCKER KEYPAD to highlight the waypoint you wish to remove (not necessaryto remove all) and press MENU. Use the ROCKER KEYPAD to highlight ‘RemoveWaypoint’ or ‘Remove All’ and press ENTER.Main Menu: Setup: LanguageThe Language Setup Page allows selection of Dutch, French, German, Italian, orMain Menu: SetupProximity waypoints allow you to mark locationsyou wish to avoid.The GPS V has a variety of interface settingsfor connection to other equipment.Language options allow user friendly display.Reference