A BCreating Waypoints GraphicallyWaypoints may also be quickly created from the map display, which allows youto ‘point and shoot’ at any map position to create a new waypoint.To create a new waypoint graphically:1. Use the R keypad to move the cursor to the desired map position. If you want to createthe new waypoint at an on-screen navaid, highlight the navaid on the map display.2. Press T.3. To accept the waypoint with the default name, symbol and comment, press T. If youare creating a waypoint at an on-screen navaid, the default symbol and comment willautomatically reflect the selected navaid’s name and symbol.4. To change the name, symbol or comment, highlight the appropriate field and press T.5. After entering and confirming your changes, move the field highlight back to the ‘Done?’prompt and press T.Creating Waypoints By Text EntryWaypoints may also be created by manually entering a position’s coordinates orreferencing a stored waypoint through the ‘Create Waypoint’ submenu option onthe main menu page.To create a new waypoint by manually entering its coordinates:1. Press O twice to display the main menu page.2. Highlight the ‘Create Waypoint’ option and press T. The waypoint definition page willappear, with the next available waypoint number and the receiver’s last known positionas the default name and position.3. Use the R keypad to enter the new waypoint name, icon, position and comment. PressT after the last character in each section.4. When you have finished entering all your waypoint data, use the R keypad to highlightthe ‘Done’ prompt and press T.36A. Once a position has been selected graphically, thecreate new waypoint page will appear. Here youcan change the waypoint name, symbol or com-ment before saving the waypoint.B. To create a waypoint by text entry, start byentering the new waypoint’s name.SECTION6 WAYPOINTSCreating WaypointsGraphically & By Text