Quick Start12The Compass Page features a Pointer and a Compass Ring. When you are moving, the Pointer willpoint toward your destination (Bearing) while the Compass Ring reflects the direction that you aretraveling (Track). In short, when you are headed directly toward your destination, the Pointer will bepointed toward the top of the display, aligned with the vertical line displayed in the Compass Ring. Ifyou are not heading toward your destination, the Pointer will turn, continuing to point toward yourdestination. To head toward your destination again, turn toward the Pointer until it is realigned withthe vertical line in the Compass Ring and pointed toward the top of the display.The Simulator allows you to change the Track so you can see how this works. Press theARROW KEYPAD to the right until the Track has changed about 50°. This will simulate a direc-tion change to the right. The Pointer should now be pointing toward the left side of the dis-play. This is exactly what will happen during actual navigation when you move off course. Pressthe ARROW KEYPAD to the left, simulating a left turn, until the Pointer is realigned with the verticalline in the Compass Ring. You are now once again headed directly toward the destination waypoint.Now that we have gone through the basic operation of the unit using the Simulator, it is time to dosome actual navigation!To turn off the simulator:1. Press MENU twice to display the Main Menu.2. Highlight the GPS tab and press MENU.3. Highlight ‘Stop Simulator’ and press ENTER.OR:1. Turn the unit off and back on. The unit will not turn on in Simulator mode.Receiver StatusLight colored bars indicate the receiver is collecting data from thatsatellite. When the bar turns solid, the receiver has collected thesatellite data and is able to use that satellite for navigation. Whenthe GPSMAP 176 is able to use at least 3 satellites, the ReceiverStatus will display “2D or 3D GPS Location”.Simulated Navigation