20GPSmap 60CGPS NavigationUsing Waypoints To move a Waypoint on the Map Page:1. Use the Find Feature to display the Information Page for thedesired waypoint (refer to page 23).2. Highlight the “Map” button at the bottom of the page andpress ENTER to display the waypoint on the map.3. Press ENTER again to place a “Move” marker next to thewaypoint.4. Use the ROCKER key to drag the waypoint to the desired loca-tion on the map and release to place it there. Then press ENTER.Projecting a WaypointProjecting a waypoint from any map item (another waypoint, etc.)allows you to establish a new waypoint that is a certain bearing anddistance away from that map item.To project a waypoint:1. Select an item from the Find Menu and display the InformationPage.2. Press the MENU key to display the Options Menu and select“Project Waypoint.”3. Press ENTER to display the Project Waypoint Page.4. Enter the distance and bearing to the projected waypoint inthe appropriate fields at the bottom of the page and press theQUIT key to save and exit.NewLocationOriginalLocationMoving a WaypointProject WaypointPageProjected Waypoint onthe Map