GPSMAP 60CSx Owner’s Manual 79M AIN MENU >A desired impact point (DIP) must be set for HAHOjumps. This is a waypoint marked where you want toland. The drop altitude of at least 1,000 feet must bespecified next. The Jumpmaster uses the drop altitudeas the opening altitude for HAHO jumps. Commonvalues for a drop altitude range from 12,000-24,000feet AGL.For HALO jumps, the required information is thesame as the HAHO jump type, plus an openingaltitude. This altitude may not be a larger value thanthe drop altitude. Common values for an openingaltitude range from 2,000 to 6,000 feet AGL.Static jumps require a drop altitude of at least 1,000feet to be specified. A constant wind speed anddirection for the duration of the jump is assumed.For HAHO and HALO jumps, wind speeds anddirections can be entered for every 1,000 feet ofcanopy drift (CD) and every 2,000 feet of free falldrift (FFD). These wind speeds are entered on theWind Setup page by selecting the Wind button.“Forward Throw” and “Course to HARP” allow auser to determine the direction and magnitude theaircraft will carry him after jumping and before freefall or canopy drift begins.A number of additional constants are entered on theConstant Setup page by selecting Constant.A check box at the bottom allows for auto-navigationto the DIP. If you want your unit to determine whenyou have jumped, this box should be checked. Amessage appears describing how to manually navigatethe route.Clicking the Goto HARP button begins thenavigation process and will take you to the WindSetup page if that information is missing orautomatically setting up the route with the calculatedHARP and then the selected DIP before taking you tothe Navigation page.