IndexGPSMAP 620 and GPSMAP 640 Owner’s Manual 75distress callincoming 35navigating to 35driving directions 60DSC 34, 43editing the list 35navigating to 35trails 37DSC contact 35DSC list 34deleting 35sorting 34Eelevation unit settings 40event log 39extras 70–71Ffactory settings 39Favorites 57files 62–63deleting 63supported types 62finding places 6, 54by address 55by name 56by postal code 55near another location 56recent selections 56saved places (Favorites) 57Fish Eye 3D 11fishing 47fishing chart 11fuse, changing 69GGarmin data transfer 40geocaching 59Go! page options 56go home 55GPS 39about GPS 5, 70off/on 65grid north 40Guide To 17Hhazard colors 50heading 40heading line 48head up 48high resolution satellite imagery 10home screen 5home, setting a location 55IID numberwaypoints 41JJPEG image files 62Kkeel offset, adjusting 42keyboardautomotive 56, 65language mode 66marine 38kilometers 65Lland only 12land POIs 49lane width 50language, changing 38language settings 66light sectors 49lithium-ion battery 68, 71lost target, AIS 30Mman overboard (MOB) 21deleting 22manually reorder points 59mapadding 70browsing 58detail level 67enabling detail maps 67Map Info button 67settings 67updating 70version 67viewing 67zooming 58map datum 40MapSource 62, 70MapSource data 29Mariner’s Eye 3D 11mark button 6, 21max speed, reset 61measurement units 39menu page 5, 53merge from card 28messages 73miles 65moon phase 27moon rise/set 27mounting bracket 1mounting the device 2automotive 53marine 5mute, audio 66my boat 42my data 64