GPS: Provides information about the GPS satellites andsettings.System Information: Provides information about the deviceson the network and the software version.Station Information: Adjusts the setup of the station.Auto Power Up: Turns the device on automatically when poweris applied.Station SettingsSelect Settings > System > Station Information.Change Station: Sets the entire station to a new set of defaultsbased on the location of this station. You can also select touse this display as a stand-alone, individual display, insteadof grouping it with other displays to make a station.GRID Pairing: Allows you to pair a GRID™ remote input devicewith this station.Display Order: Sets the order of the displays, which isimportant when using a GRID remote input device.Reset Stations: Restores the factory default layouts for alldisplays in the station.Viewing System Software InformationYou can view the software version, the basemap version, anysupplemental map information (if applicable), the softwareversion for an optional Garmin radar (if applicable), and the unitID number. You may need this information to update the systemsoftware or to purchase additional map data information.Select Settings > System > System Information.Viewing the Event LogThe event log shows a list of system events.Select Settings > System > System Information > EventLog.Preferences SettingsSelect Settings > Preferences.Units: Sets units of measure.Language: Sets the on-screen text language.Navigation: Sets navigation preferences.Keyboard Layout: Arranges the keys on the on-screenkeyboard.Multi-Touch: Enables advanced touchscreen functionality, suchas pinch-to-zoom.Units SettingsSelect Settings > Preferences > Units.System Units: Sets the unit format for the device.Variance: Sets the magnetic declination, the angle betweenmagnetic north and true north, for your present location.North Reference: Sets the direction references used incalculating heading information. True sets geographic northas the north reference. Grid sets grid north as the northreference (000º). Magnetic sets the magnetic north as thenorth reference.Position Format: Sets the position format in which a givenlocation reading appears. Do not change this setting unlessyou are using a map or chart that specifies a differentposition format.Map Datum: Sets the coordinate system on which the map isstructured. Do not change this setting unless you are using amap or chart that specifies a different map datum.Time: Sets the time format, time zone, and daylight saving time.Navigation SettingsNOTE: Some settings and options require additional charts orhardware.Select Settings > Preferences > Navigation.Route Labels: Sets the type of labels shown with route turns onthe map.Turn Transition: Adjusts how the chartplotter transitions to thenext turn or leg or the route. You can set the transition to bebased on time or distance before the turn. You can increasethe time or distance value to help improve the accuracy ofthe autopilot when navigating a route or an Auto Guidanceline with many frequent turns or at higher speeds. Forstraighter routes or slower speeds, lowering this value canimprove autopilot accuracy.Auto Guidance: Sets the measurements for the Safe Depth,Safe Height, and Shoreline Distance, when you are usingsome premium maps.Route Start: Selects a starting point for route navigation.Auto Guidance Line ConfigurationsCAUTIONThe Safe Depth and Safe Height settings influence how thechartplotter calculates an Auto Guidance line. If an area has anunknown water depth or an unknown obstacle height, the AutoGuidance line is not calculated in that area. If an area at thebeginning or the end of an Auto Guidance line is shallower thanthe safe water depth or lower than the safe obstacle height, theAuto Guidance line is not calculated in that area. On the chart,the course through those areas appears as a gray line. Whenyour boat enters one of those areas, a warning messageappears.NOTE: Auto Guidance is available with premium charts, insome areas.You can set the parameters the chartplotter uses whencalculating an Auto Guidance line.Safe Depth: Sets the minimum depth (chart depth datum) thechartplotter uses when calculating an Auto Guidance line.NOTE: The minimum safe depth for the premium charts is 3feet. If you enter a Safe Depth value of less than 3 feet, thecharts only use depths of 3 feet for Auto Guidance routecalculations.Safe Height: Sets the minimum height (chart height datum) of abridge that your boat can safely travel under.Shoreline Distance: Sets how close to the shore you want theAuto Guidance line to be placed. The Auto Guidance linemay move if you change this setting while navigating. Theavailable values for this setting are relative, not absolute. Toensure that the Auto Guidance line is placed the appropriatedistance from shore, you can assess the placement of theAuto Guidance line using one or more familiar destinationsthat require navigation through a narrow waterway (Adjustingthe Distance from Shore).Adjusting the Distance from ShoreCAUTIONThe Auto Guidance feature is based on electronic chartinformation. That data does not ensure obstacle and bottomclearance. Carefully compare the course to all visual sightings,and avoid any land, shallow water, or other obstacles that maybe in your path.NOTE: Auto Guidance is available with premium charts, insome areas.The Shoreline Distance setting indicates how close to the shoreyou want the Auto Guidance line to be placed. The AutoGuidance line may move if you change this setting whilenavigating. The available values for the Shoreline Distancesetting are relative, not absolute. To ensure the Auto Guidanceline is placed the appropriate distance from shore, you canassess the placement of the Auto Guidance line using one orDevice Configuration 33