Keys for Other GTX 327 FunctionsIDENT Pressing the IDENT key activates the Special PositionIdentification (SPI) Pulse for 18 seconds, identifying your transponderreturn from others on the air traffic controller’s screen. The word IDENTwill appear in the upper left corner of the display during this time.VFR Sets the transponder code to the pre-programmed VFR code selectedduring installation configuration (this is set to 1200 at the factory). Pressingthe VFR key again restores the previous identification code. If the VFR keyis pressed when disabled (dependent upon installation configuration) a VFRKey Disabled message appears, to indicate that no operation took place.FUNC Changes the page shown on the right side of the display. Displayincludes Pressure Altitude, Flight Time, Count Up, and Count Down timers.START/STOP Starts and stops the Count Up, Count Down, and Flighttimers.CRSR Initiates starting time entry for the Count Down timer and cancelstransponder code entry.CLR Resets the Count Up, Count Down, and Flight timers. Cancels theprevious keypress during code selection and Count Down entry. Returnscursor to the fourth code digit within five seconds after entry.8 Reduces Contrast and Display Brightness when the respective fieldsare displayed (dependent upon installation configuration) and enters thenumber eight into the Count Down timer.9 Increases Contrast and Display Brightness when the respective fieldsare displayed (dependent upon installation configuration) and enters thenumber nine into the Count Down timer.