190-00207-02 GTX 330/330D Installation ManualRev. U Page 5-235.2.22 RS-232 Input PageDepending on the selected inputs on Channel 1 and Channel 2from the RS-232 Input page (reference Section 5.2.10), thispage displays the information received on the channel. If GPSis selected as an input ground speed can be viewed (GSPD), latitude (LAT), longitude (LON) and track(TRK).If ICARUS or SHADIN-ALT is selected as an input pressure altitude (PALT) can be viewed.If FADC or ADC is selected as an input, true or static air temperature (SAT), outside or total airtemperature (TAT), indicated air speed (IAS), true air speed (TAS), density altitude (DALT), pressurealtitude (PALT*), current barometric pressure (BARO) and vertical speed (VSPD) can be viewed.*If ADC W/ALT or FADC W/ALT format selected.If REMOTE is selected as an input, ground speed (GSPD), pressure altitude (PALT), track angle (TRK),track rate (TRKR), indicated airspeed (IAS), true airspeed (TAS), Mach (MACH), vertical speed (VSPD),heading (HDG), roll angle (ROLL), AFCS selected altitude (SALT), AP vertical reference (VREF), FMSselected altitude (FALT), baro setting (BARO), latitude (LAT), longitude (LON), east/west velocity(EVEL), north/south velocity (NVEL), up/down velocity (UVEL), horizontal figure of merit (HFOM),vertical figure of merit (VFOM), horizontal protection limit (HPL), vertical protection limit (VPL), trueheading (THDG), height above ellipsoid (HAE), horizontal figure of merit velocity(HFOMV), and verticalfigure of merit velocity (VFOMV) can be viewed5.2.23 ARINC 429 Receive Channels PagesThe GTX 330 receives one of the following sets of ARINC429 data on either ARINC 429 receivers #1, #2 or #3. Thelabels are chosen when selected in ARINC 429 INPUT,Section 5.2.9. The received data may be at either LOW orHIGH speed. The default is LOW. The transmit data labelsand their rate are as follows:AHRS COMPUTER (AHRS)Table 5-23 Received Labels and Data from AHRSLabel Data314 True Heading (degrees)320 Magnetic Heading (degrees)325 Roll Angle365 Vertical Rate (feet/min)RS-232 INPUT PageARINC 429 CHANNELS 1 and 2ARINC 429 CHANNELS 3 and 4