190-00734-11 GTX 33X and GTX 3X5 ADS-B Maintenance ManualRev. 6 Page 3-13 GTX CONTROL AND OPERATION3.1 GTX 330/330D ................................................................................................................... 3-23.2 GTX 335/345 ...................................................................................................................... 3-53.3 GTX 33/33D and GTX 335R/345R.................................................................................... 3-83.4 GTX 335R/345R with Legacy G1000 ................................................................................ 3-93.5 GTX 3X5 Install Tool....................................................................................................... 3-123.5.1 State Page.................................................................................................................... 3-133.5.2 Status Page .................................................................................................................. 3-143.5.3 Configuration Group................................................................................................... 3-153.5.4 Diagnostics Group ...................................................................................................... 3-163.5.5 Product Data Group .................................................................................................... 3-183.5.6 Software Upload Group .............................................................................................. 3-18Control and operation of GTX 330/330D and GTX 335/345 units occur through the front panel of theGTX. Control and operation of the remote mounted GTX 33/33D and GTX 335R/345R is handled throughthe external interface provided via the GTN 6XX/7XX or GNS 480. ADS-B In information from theGTX 345 can be displayed through the external interface provided via the GTN 6XX/7XX orGNS 400W/500W Series. Figure 3-3 and figure 3-4 show display units control of the transponder.Figure 3-5 shows transponder control using the GNS 480.In specific installations, the GDU 1XXX (of the G1000 system) provides control and operation of theremote mounted GTX 335R/345R units. Section 3.4 describes the functions of the G1000 system.NOTEThe selected identification code should be entered carefully, either one assigned by airtraffic control for IFR flight or an applicable VFR transponder code.Important Codes1200 VFR code for any altitude in the US (refer to ICAO standards)7000 VFR code commonly used in Europe (refer to ICAO standards)7500 Hijack code (aircraft is subject to unlawful interference)7600 Loss of communications7700 EmergencyAvoid selecting code 7500 and all codes in the 7600-7777 range. These codes trigger special emergencyalerts in ATC monitoring facilities. An aircraft’s transponder code is used for ATC tracking purposes,therefore be careful when making routine code changes.