Page 5-20 GTX 330/GTX 330D Installation ManualRevision R 190-00207-025.2.15 Aircraft Size Page (ES Enabled Units Only)AIRCRAFT LENGTH TYPESets the length of the aircraft to less than or equal to 15 meters, less than or equal to 25 meters, less thanor equal to 35 meters, less than or equal to 45 meters, less than or equal to 55 meters, less than or equal to65 meters, less than or equal to 75 meters, less than or equal to 85 meters, or more than 85 meters. Enterthe aircraft’s minimum length category.AIRCRAFT WIDTH TYPESets the width of the aircraft to less than or equal to 11.5 meters, less than or equal to 23.0 meters, lessthan or equal to 28.5 meters, less than or equal to 33.0 meters, less than or equal to 34.0 meters, less thanor equal to 38.0 meters, less than or equal to 39.5 meters, less than or equal to 45.0 meters, less than orequal to 52.0 meters, less than or equal to 59.5 meters, less than or equal to 67.0 meters, less than or equalto 72.5 meters, less than or equal to 80.0 meters, or more then 80.0 meters. Enter the aircraft’s minimumwidth category.5.2.16 ADS-B Page (ES Enabled Units Only)ADS-BSets Automatic Dependant Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) to DISABLE, ENABLE, or PILOT SET.DISABLE is the default. When ADS-B is set to DISABLE the BDS items listed in Section 1.6 that aremarked “ES Enabled Units Only” are not active (no extended squitter). When ADS-B is set to PILOTSET ADS-B transmissions are active at power-on. Set to ENABLE when connecting to a Garmin GTS8XX.5.2.17 EHS PageEHSSets Enhanced Surveillance (EHS) to DISABLE or ENABLE. ENABLE is the default. When EHS is setto DISABLE the BDS items listed in Section 1.6 that are marked “EHS Only” are not active (no enhancedsurveillance).AIRCRAFT SIZE PageADS-B PageEHS Page