3 GXM 30A XM Radio Smart Antenna Owner’s ManualSIGMETA SIGMET (SIGnificant METeorlogical Forecast) advisesof weather that is potentially hazardous to all aircraft. In thecontiguous United States, items covered are: severe icing,severe or extreme turbulence, volcanic ash, dust storms, andsandstorms that lower visibility to less than three statute miles.A Convective SIGMET is issued for: thunderstorms, isolatedsevere thunderstorms, embedded thunderstorms, hail at thesurface, and tornadoes. A SIGMET is widespread. A SIGMETmust affect or be forecast to affect an area of at least 3,000square miles.SIGMETs are displayed as a yellow dashed line. To viewSIGMET data, select the SIGMET using the map pointer. Toview detailed information, press ENTER.SIGMET detailed informationSIGMET selected with map pointerXM Weather features > sIgMet