0 nüLink! 1695 Owner’s ManualAbout nüLink! ServicesSafety Camera AvailabilitySafety camera information may notbe available in all areas or countries.Check http://my.garmin.com for availability. Safetycamera information is not availablein Switzerland. Safety camerainformation is disabled by default inGermany and Austria.Use of the safety camera databasemay be a misdemeanor in certainEuropean countries. Prior to using orenabling the safety camera database,inquire about the legal situation andpossible legal consequences of usingthis database in the countries inwhich you intend to use it.Garmin International and its affiliatesaccept no liability for the use of thissafety camera database. GarminInternational and its affiliates do notwarrant or guarantee in any way asto the accuracy or exhaustiveness ofthe safety camera database.reporting Safety CamerasYou can report safety cameras,including red light cameras and radarguns, as you encounter them.From the map, touch >Report Safety Camera.NOTE: If does not appear,you can touch the speed limiticon to report safety cameras.The location of the safety camera isshared with other users.Turning Off Safety Cameras1. From the main menu, touchTools Settings > Navigation >Automobile > Alerts.2. Clear the Garmin SafetyCameras check box.3. Touch Save.