Swipe down to viewnotifications.Swipe down twice to quicklychange settings and backlightbrightness.Hold to customize the wallpaperor add widgets to the homescreen.Select to view road navigationfeatures and search for pointsof interest.Select to view the GarminExplore app, which providesoff-road navigation informationand detailed topographicalmaps.Select to open the app drawer.The app drawer containsshortcuts to all the appsinstalled on your device.Map and Software UpdatesFor the best navigation experience,you should keep the maps andsoftware on your device up to date.Map updates provide the newestavailable changes to roads andlocations in the maps used by yourdevice. Keeping maps up to datehelps your device find recently addedlocations and calculate moreaccurate routes. Map updates arelarge and may take several hours tocomplete.Software updates provide changesand improvements to the devicefeatures and operation. Softwareupdates are small and take a fewminutes to complete.You can update your device usingtwo methods.• You can connect the device to aWi‑Fi®network to update directlyon the device (recommended).This option allows you to updateyour device conveniently withoutconnecting it to a computer.• You can connect the device to acomputer and update it using theGarmin Express™ application(garmin.com/express). Thisoption allows you to install mapdata onto a memory card if theupdated maps are too large to fiton the internal storage.Vehicle ProfilesWARNINGEntering your vehicle profilecharacteristics does not guaranteethat your vehicle's characteristics willbe accounted for in all routesuggestions or that you will receive4 Quick Start Manual