40 znjmo 600 Series Owner’s ManualAppendixDo not leave your znjmo in directsunlight. Avoid prolonged exposure toexcessive heat.Changing the FuseCauTion: When replacing the fuse, donot lose any of the small pieces, and ensurethey are put back in the proper place.If your unit does not charge in your vehicle,you may need to replace the fuse located atthe tip of the automotive adapter.1. Unscrew the black, round end piece, andremove it.2. Remove the fuse (glass and silvercylinder), and replace with a 3A fast‑blowfuse.3. Ensure that the silver tipis placed in the black endpiece. Screw on the blackend piece.• About GPS Satellite SignalsYour znjmo must acquire GPS (GlobalPositioning System) satellite signals tonavigate. If you are indoors, near tallbuildings or trees, or in a parking garage,your znjmo cannot acquire satellites. Gooutside to an area free from tall obstructionsto use your znjmo.When your znjmo has acquired satellitesignals, the signal strength bars on the Menupage are green . When it loses satellitesignals, the bars turn red or clear .For more information about GPS, go towww.garmin.com/aboutGPS.Mounting on YourDashboardUse the enclosed mounting disk to mountyour unit to the dashboard and comply withcertain state regulations.CauTion: The permanent mountingadhesive is extremely dificult to removeafter it is installed.1. Clean and dry the dashboard where youare placing the disk.2. Remove the backing from the adhesiveon the bottom of the disk.3. Place the disk on the dashboard.4. Remove the clear plastic cover from thetop of the disk.5. Place the suction cup mount on top ofthe disk. Flip the lever down (toward thedisk).EndpieceSilver tipFuseEndpieceSilver tipFuse