iiiIntroductionWARNING: For use in vehicles, it is the soleresponsibility of the owner/operator of the eTrex Legendto secure the GPS unit so that it will not interfere with thevehicle’s operating controls, obstruct the driver’s view ofdriving conditions, or cause damage or personal injury inthe event of an accident. Do not mount the eTrex Legendover air bag panels or in the field of air bag deployment.Air bags expand with a rapid force that can propel objectsin their path toward the driver or passengers causing pos-sible injury. Refer to air bag safety precautions containedin the vehicle owner’s manual. Do not mount the eTrexLegend in a place where the driver or passengers arelikely to impact it in an accident or collision. The mount-ing hardware provided by GARMIN is not warrantedagainst collision damage or the consequences thereof.WARNING: When used in vehicles, it is the soleresponsibility of the driver of the vehicle to operate thevehicle in a safe manner, maintain full surveillance of alldriving conditions at all times, and not become distractedby the eTrex Legend to the exclusion of safe drivingpractices. It is unsafe to operate the controls of the eTrexLegend while you are driving. Failure by the driver of avehicle equipped with an eTrex Legend to pay full atten-tion to operation of the vehicle and road conditions whilethe vehicle is in motion could result in an accident orcollision with property damage and personal injury.CAUTION: IT IS THE USER’S RESPONSIBILITY TOUSE THIS PRODUCT PRUDENTLY. THIS PRODUCT ISINTENDED TO BE USED ONLY AS A TRAVEL AID ANDMUST NOT BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE REQUIRINGPRECISE MEASUREMENT OF DIRECTION, DISTANCE,LOCATION, OR TOPOGRAPHY. THIS PRODUCTSHOULD NOT BE USED AS AN AID TO DETERMINEGROUND PROXIMITY FOR AIRCRAFT NAVIGATION.Do Not Place Unsecuredon the Vehicle DashDo Not MountOver Air Bag PanelsDo Not Mount in Front ofan Air Bag Field ofDeploymentWarningsandPrecautionsDo Not Mount WhereDriver’s Field of Visionis BlockedWARNING: Thisproduct, its packaging,and its componentscontain chemicals knownto the State of Californiato cause cancer, birthdefects, or reproductiveharm. This Notice isbeing provided in accor-dance with California’sProposition 65. If youhave any questions orwould like additionalinformation, pleaserefer to our web siteat http://www.garmin.com/prop65.