11The Map Page showingdifferent symbols andwaypoints.On the Map Page, theUP and DOWN Buttonsare used to adjust themap scale from 200 feetto 800 miles.Map Page BasicsThe Map Page shows where you are (the animatedfi gure) and provides a real picture of where you are going.As you travel (the animated figure “walks”) and leaves a“trail” (track log). Waypoint names and symbols are alsoshown on the map. We will show you how to record yourlocation by marking a waypoint in the “discovering thefun” section.To help you better visualize the “real world”, eTrexautomatically rotates the map as you move, so thatwaypoints that are ahead of you are always displayed infront of the animated figure. The North Pointer alwaysshows you where north is.To make sure you can see your entire trip, you canchange the map scale (from 200 feet to 800 miles!) bypressing and holding the UP Button to view a larger area,and the DOWN Button for viewing a smaller area.The Map Page“You”; YourLocationNorth PointerPath toDestinationDestinationWaypointMapScale“Trail” (tracklog)Getting StartedPage Basics