nüvi 700 Series Owner’s Manual 7cUStoMizinG the nüvisettings.Setting the LanguagesTouch Tools > Settings > Language.Voice—change the language for voiceprompts.nüvi 750, 750T, 760, and 770:Languages noted with a person’sname are text-to-speech (TTS) voices,which have an extensive vocabularyand pronounce the street names as youapproach turns. The pre-recorded voices(those without a person’s name) havea limited vocabulary and do not speaknames of locations or streets.Text Language—change all on-screentext to the selected language. Changingthe text language does not change thelanguage of user-entered data or mapdata, such as street names.Keyboard—select the keyboard foryour language. You can also changethe keyboard language mode from anykeyboard by touching the Mode button.Changing the MapSettingsTouch Tools > Settings > Map.Map Detail—adjust the amount of detailshown on the map. Showing more detailmay cause the map to redraw slower.Map View—select a map perspective.Track Up—display the map intwo dimensions (2D) with yourdirection of travel at the top.North Up—display the map in 2Dwith North at the top.3D—display the map in threedimensions (3D) in Track Up.Vehicle—touch Change to change theicon used to display your position onthe map. Touch the icon you want touse, and then touch OK. Downloadadditional vehicle icons at•••