51pancakeServes 2-3Ingredients:• 1 cup flour• 1 egg• 30 g molten butter or marge• 1¼ cups milk• Some additional butter for bakingpreparation:1. Sieve flour into a bowl and make a wellin the middle. Add egg, fat (cooled), andmilk in portions into the well, while kneadingthe mixture to get smooth, light dough freeof lumps. Place in the refrigerator for 1 hour.2. Spread some butter on the cooking sur-faces of the Banquet Roasting Pan, and pre-heat at temperature level 6-8. Pour the doughfor 2 pancakes in the roasting pan and bakeon both sides until golden brown.3. Take out the pancake and pour the nextportion of dough into the roasting pan.4. Serve with a delicious sweet topping.Serving SuggestionsPancake is quite delicious with the followingingredients:– maple syrup,– lemon juice and sugar,– puréed raspberries; refined with sugar andGrand Marnier.chIllI con carneServes 4Ingredients:• 2 tablespoonful oil• 1 onion, sliced• 1 clove of garlic, crushed• 1 green paprika, cut to stripes• 500 g minced beef steak• ca. 300 g canned Kidney beans, drained• 2 teaspoonful grounded chilli• ca. 440 g canned tomatoes• ½ teaspoonful oregano• salt and pepper to tastepreparation:1. Pour oil into the roasting pan and pre-heatat temperature level 8-10. Sauté onions, gar-lic and green paprika until tender.2. Add minced meat and roast until goldenbrown.3. Add the remaining ingredients and turnthe temperature dial to temperature level 6-8.Leave the ingredients simmer for approx. 20minutes.Serving SuggestionsServe in Taco bowls with Sour cream andtomatoes, topped with grounded cheese.