48Selection Examples Cooking time Pre-selectionRice Rice Depends on thequantity, 25 - 35minutes + 5 minutes– –5 minutes of stewingBaby Food Conjee (rice por-ridge) or porridge,vegetable mush30 - 60 minutes;adjustable in steps of5 minutes30 minutes (MIN)Steam cook In the steamer: ve-getables, potatoes,fish, chicken filets,heating sausageWithout steamer:soups, stew, potato-es, vegetables5 - 60 minutes;adjustable in steps of5 minutes5 minutes (MIN)Bake Reheating, cake mix-tures, baked dishes,gratin, lasagne35 - 45 minutes;(depending on theused quantity) + 10minutes– –10 minutes count-downYoghurt Yoghurt Not adjustable 8 hours (HR)Soup Soups, sauces, stew,potatoes, vegetables30 - 90 minutes;adjustable in steps of10 minutes30 minutes (MIN)6. Follow the instructions given below for the individual functions. Doing so, always observethe required filling levels.To avoid damage and injuries from hot liquids, do not overfill the pot, especially whencooking foodstuffs that could violently froth, to avoid overflow of hot fat and liquids causingscalds and damage.• For preparing Rice the maximum total amount is 1800 ml;maximum filling level “Rice 5.5”• For cooking rice porridge (Conjee function) and porridge(oatsmeal) the maximum total amount is 1650 ml: “Conjee 1 ½”and “Porridge ¾”.If necessary, divide up the given amounts in your recipe accordingly.But also ensure that there is ALWAYS a sufficient amount of foodstuffsor water in the inner pot (lowest filling level 1), before switching on the appliance.