2WARNINGS:Before installing or connecting the unit, please read the followingFAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING WARNINGS MAY SIGNIFICANTLY SHORTEN THE PRODUCT’SLIFE TIME, AND LEAD TO FAILURES AS WELL AS HAZARDOUS CONDITIONS*. COMMON SENSE MUST ALWAYSPREVAIL WHEN EVALUATING THE INSTALLATION AND/OR USE OF ANY ELECTRONIC CONTROL INA FINAL APPLICATION.• RESPECt ENvIRONMENtAl CONDItIONS lIStED At END OF tEChBOOK• thIS uNIt MuSt BE INStAllED By quAlIFIED PERSONNEl• ONly quAlIFIED PERSONNEl ARE tO SERvICE thIS uNItthERE ARE NO uSER SERvICEABlE PARtS INSIDE•thIS uNIt ShOulD BE INStAllED ON A ClEAN FlAt SuRFACE• thE gASKEt ON thE BACK OF thE uNIt WIll PREvENt WAtER INFIltRAtION INSIDE, BEhIND thE MOuNtEDSuRFACE IF thE gASKEt IS DAMAgED, SEAl thE BACK OF thE uNIt WIth SIlICONE tO AvOID ANy lEAKAgEBEhIND thE MOuNtED SuRFACE• thIS uNIt MuSt BE MOuNtED ON thE OutSIDE EDgE OF thE SPA SEE INStAllAtION SECtION FOR DEtAIlS• thE BACK OF thIS uNIt ShOulD NOt BE ENClOSED IN A WAy thAt CAuSES WAtER tO COllECtSEE INStAllAtION SECtION FOR DEtAIlS* hAZARDOuS CONDItION:A CONDItION thAt IS POtENtIAlly DAMAgINg AND/OR DANgEROuS tO thE OPERAtOR ORSuRROuNDINgS thIS INCluDES, But IS NOt lIMItED tO: FIRE, FlOODINg OR OthER WAtER DAMAgE,DIElECtRIC BREAKDOWNS (PRESENCE OF hIgh vOltAgE), EtCMAINTENANCEIf you have problems, do not attempt to repair the unit yourself Return it to your dealer or service station for servicingACCESSORY PARTSBe sure to use only the specified accessory parts use of other than designated parts may damage this unit internallyor may not securely install the unit in place this may cause parts to become loose resulting in hazards or productfailureDISPOSAL OF THE PRODUCTthe appliance (or the product) must be disposed of separatelyin accordance with the local waste disposal legislation in forceCompatible spa controllers:inxm2, inxe, inyt, inyj and inye with compatible software revisionAeware®, gecko®, and their respective logos are Registered trademarks of gecko Alliance groupink800™, inxm2™, inxe™, inyt™, inye™, inyj™, intune™, instream™, inmix™, inclear™, intouch™ and intherm™,and their respective logos are trademarks of gecko Alliance groupAll other product or company names that may be mentioned in this publication are tradenames, trademarksor registered trademarks of their respective ownersWarnings