Section 4 • Repair ProceduresREV ASeptember 2016Part No. 227123 GRC 4 - 9ab XYbcGROUND CONTROLS2-3Level SensorThe Electronic Control Module (ECM) isprogrammed to deactivate the lift and drivefunctions and activate an alarm when a signal isreceived from the level sensor.The tilt alarm sounds when the incline of thechassis exceeds 1.5° to the side, or 3° to the frontor rear.How to Install and Calibrate theLevel SensorTip-over hazard. Failure to installor calibrate the level sensor asinstructed will compromisemachine stability and cause themachine to tip over, resulting indeath or serious injury. Do notinstall or calibrate the level sensorother than specified in thisprocedure.Note: Perform this procedure with the machine ona firm, level surface, free of obstructions.Note: Perform this procedure with the platform inthe stowed position.If you are not installing a new level sensor,proceed to step 6.1 Tag and disconnect the level sensor wireharness from the chassis wire harness.2 Remove the level sensor adjusting fasteners.Remove the level sensor from the machine.3 Place the new level sensor onto the levelsensor base with the "X" on the level sensorclosest to the mast of the machine and the "Y"on the level sensor closest to the steer end ofthe machine.Tip-over hazard. The level sensormust be installed with the "X" onthe level sensor closest to themast of the machine and the "Y"on the level sensor closest to thesteer end of the machine. Failureto install the tilt level sensor asinstructed could result in themachine tipping over, causingdeath or serious injury.b level sensorc 'X' indicatord mast