Geniewatch, NSD5451 User Manual (Ver. 1.0)Genie Network14 Terminal resistor SetupTerminal resistor is used if your system is one of followingtwo cases. Case1: Control cable between camera andcontroller is relatively very long (1:1 connection)If communication cable is very long, the electricalsignal will bound in the terminal point. This reflectedsignal cause distortion of original signal. Accordingly,the camera can be out of control. In this case, theterminal resistor of both sides i.e. camera andcontroller must be set to ‘ON’ state. Case2: Multiple cameras are controlled at the sametimeDue to similar reasons with case 1, the terminalresisters of controller and the last camera must be set to‘ON’ state. Last camera means decided by cable length.Do not turn on the terminal resistor of all cameras.1 2 3 4ONONController#1 #2 #nTerminal Resistor ONRS-485Terminal ResistorOFFTerminal ResistorOFFTerminal ResistorON