WDR DAY & NIGHT COLOUR CAMERA WDR DAY & NIGHT COLOUR CAMERA-6-SET UP MENU DEFAULT SET MENU① LENS DC / MANUAL 4 - 9mm DC Auto IRIS Vari-Focal Lens② EXPOSURE SHUTTER :-AGC: LOWSENS-UP: OFFSHUTTERA.FLKMANUAL(x256-120K)ESC(BRIGHTNESS: Level Selectable)AGC: OFF / LOW / HIGHSENS-UP: OFF / AUTO(2-256 Level Selectable)RETURN③ WHITE BAL. ATWINDOOR / OUTDOOR / AWC / ATWMANUAL (RGAIN : Level Selectable,BGain : Level Selectable)④ BACKLIGHT OFFWDR: LOW / MIDDLE / HIGH (Level 0-100)BLC: TOP / BOTTOM / LEFT / RIGHTLEVEL: LOW / MIDDLE / HIGH⑤ SDNR ON ON (RANGE: 0 ~ 32 Level Selectable) / OFF⑥ DAY & NIGHT AUTOCOLOUR / B/W / AUTO / EXTERNALDWELLTIME: 5 ~ 60SECDURATION TIME: SLOW / FAST⑦ IMAGE ADJ.FREEZE: OFFV-REV: OFFH-REV: OFFDZOOM: OFFSHARPNESS: ONFREEZE: ON / OFFV-REV: ON / OFFH-REV :ON / OFFDZOOM: ON / OFF(0 ~ 230 Level Selectable)SHARPNESS: ON / OFF( I ~ 3 I Level Selectable)RETURN⑧ SPECIAL Refer to the next page⑨ EXIT Save the SETUP Menu and exitThe IR range shown below are maximum distances that can be achieved using this camera.The environment and camera positioning both affect IR performance.◈ SETTINGSSettings can be made using the OSD buttonsLocated on the bottom of the camera.(Adjust the IR Control Volume, using a screw driver,to increase or decrease the IR brightness level.) OSDDCSHUTTER SPEEDWHITE BALBLCAGCDNRSENS-UPSPECIALEXITDCELCATWHIGHOFFLOWOFFOSD Control Board