Ensemble Electricity Monitor, User Manual page 23Technical SpecificationsLegal InformationGEO is a registered trademark of Green EnergyOptions Ltd. Copyright 2010 Green EnergyOptions Ltd. All rights reserved.Green Energy Options Limited (GEO) makes norepresentations and gives no warranties ofany kind in relation to the contents of thisdocument and all warranties, conditions andother terms implied by statute or commonlaw are, to the fullest extent permitted by law,hereby excluded.In particular, GEO assumes no responsibilityfor any errors or omissions that may appear inthis document and makes no commitment toneither update nor keep current theinformation contained in this document.GEO retains the right to make changes to thisdocument (including any specificationscontained herein) at any time without notice.No part of this document may be modified,copied, reproduced, republished, published,transmitted or distributed in any form or byany means without the prior written consentof GEO. The contents of this document are tobe used solely for the purpose for which theyare provided by GEO and for no other purpose.All content, text, graphics and all othermaterials contained in this document areowned by GEO (or its licensors), and allproprietary and intellectual property rights(including copyright, design rights, tradesecrets, trade names, logos and trade marks)wherever arising in relation to this documentvest in GEO (or its licensors) and all such rightsare reserved.Conforming Standards:Model Monitor Display Transmitter Sensor Smart PlugRated voltage 230Vac 50Hz 3 x AA size 1.5V batteries N/A 230Vac 50HzInput power 0.35W 0.2W N/A 1WOperation 0 to 40°C -20 to 50°C -20 to 50°C 0 to 40°CHumidity 85% non-condensing 85% non-condensing 85% non-condensing 85% non-condensingUsage N/A N/A Cat III Class IRadio Device RF Performance (UK & Europe) EN300 220-1Emissions EMC (UK & Europe) EN301 489-3Safety Requirements (UK & Europe) EN61010-1, EN60950Europe standards CEMax Voltage 264 Vac Cat IIIMax Current 75A