12Troubleshooting (cont.)Q. I press the keys on the keypad, and there is no sound or response fromthe controller.A. Check the connection of the keypad to the controller. This is insidethe top panel. Unplug the power cord. Remove the two screws inbetween the clamp/linkage that hold down the top panel, and carefullylift the panel up and look inside at the digital controller. The keypadconnector passes in through the top panel. It should wind around thefirst circuit board and be seated fully into the connector. Check theblack keypad connector that plugs into the circuit board to see if it haspulled apart. Also check the area where the keypad connects to thefront membrane to see if the leads have been damaged. The membranekeypad may need to be replaced.Q. The control displays Err when it first comes on, and I can not set thetemperature or use the press.A. The Err message will display if the heating signal from the platen hasbeen cut off, interrupted, or the heating sensor has failed. First checkthe green heat connector that plugs into the digital control. This isinside the top head. Unplug the power cord. Remove the four screwsthat hold the back panel onto the box, and carefully lift the panel backand look inside at the digital controller. At the top of the controller,there is a green connector that plugs in. This is the temperature sensorwire. Check to make sure is it properly seated. Be sure not to unplugany other connectors. The temperature wire connects to the center ofthe rear half of the heat platen. Check this connection as well to see ifthe connection is correct.Q. The press has shut off, and will not come back on after checking thepower cord, on/off switch, etc.A. Check the fuse. In the back panel of the control box, the power cordsocket has a built-in fuse-holder. Unplug the power cord, and gentlypry out the fuse-holder. If the fuse is burnt out or there is no continuity,replace it with the spare located in the fuse holder also. If the fuse isfine, check the black and white wire connections from the power socketto the on/off switch, and from the on/off switch to the controller.