3EnglishSystem RecoveryWindows 8 ModelsIf you're having problems with your Windows8 computer, you can try one of the belowactions. Restore your computer to an earlier pointin time. Refresh your computer without affectingyour files. Remove everything and reinstallWindows.For more information, see the User’s Manual.Windows 7 ModelsA “System Recovery” tool allows you torestore the Windows 7 system to the factorystate.To run System Recovery:1. Connect the AC adapter.2. Turn on the Tablet PC. During systemstartup when the Getac logo screenappears, double-tap the screen. In themenu that appears, select HDI Recoveryunder App Menu.Or, if a keyboard is connected, you canpress Ctrl + Alt + F2 keys for four secondsinstead of tapping the screen.3. In the screen that appears, select Recoveryto start the recovery process.4. The progress bar shows the percentagecompleted. When it reaches 100%, thesystem turns off.5. Turn on the computer. The Windowssetup wizard starts. Follow the onscreenprompts to continue.6. When the system restarts, the installerscreen appears. The installer will performsystem hardware detection and driverinstallation.7. When completed, the system restarts anddisplays Windows desktop.Taking Care of the Tablet PCLocation Guidelines For optimal performance, use the TabletPC where the recommended tempe-rature is between 0 C (32 F) and 55 C(131 F) – actual operating temperaturedepending on product specifications. Avoid placing the Tablet PC in a locationsubject to high humidity, extreme tempe-ratures, mechanical vibration, direct sun-light, or heavy dust. Using in extremeenvironments for long periods can resultin product deterioration and a shortenedproduct life. Operating in an environment with metallicdust is not allowed. Place the Tablet PC on a flat and steadysurface. Do not stand the Tablet PC on itsside or store it in an upside-down position.A strong impact by dropping or hittingmay damage the Tablet PC. Do not cover or block any ventilationopenings on the Tablet PC. For example,do not place the Tablet PC on a bed, sofa,rug, or other similar surface. Otherwise,overheating may occur that results indamage to the Tablet PC. As the Tablet PC can become very hotduring operation, keep it away fromobjects that are vulnerable to heat. Keep the Tablet PC at least 13 cm (5 inches)away from electrical appliances that cangenerate a strong magnetic field such as aTV, refrigerator, motor, or a large audiospeaker. Avoid moving the Tablet PC abruptly froma cold to a warm place. A temperaturedifference of more than 10 C (18 F) maycause condensation inside the unit, whichmay damage the storage media.General Guidelines Do not expose your skin to the Tablet PCwhen operating it in a very hot or coldenvironment. Do not place heavy objects on top of theTablet PC as this may damage the display.