Advanced MenuThe Advanced menu contains the advanced settings as shown next.Main Advanced Security Boot ExitJapanese Keyboard:SATA ModeTotal Graphics Memory:Serial port COM1:Serial port COM2:Serial port COM3:Serial port COM4:Boot-time Diagnostic Screen:Wake-On-LAN(WOL)Turbo ModeIntel Trusted ExecutionIntel AMT Setup Prompt:[Disabled][AHCI][MaxDVMT][Enabled][Enabled][Enabled][Enabled][Disabled][Disabled][Enabled][Disabled][Enabled]Item Specific HelpForceEntryF1 Help ↑↓ Select Item -/+ Change Values F9 Setup DefaultsEsc Exit ←→ Select Menu Enter Select Sub-Menu F10 Save and ExitJapanese Keyboard enables support for the Japanese keyboard.SATA Mode sets the mode to enhancedAHCI (Advanced Host ControllerInterface) orIDE. Turbo memory feature works only when the SATA AHCImode is enabled.Total Graphics Memory sets the amount of total graphics memory(pre-allocated + fixed + DVMT) for use by the internal graphics device.Serial Port COM1/COM2/COM3/COM4 allows you to unconditionally disableit when set atDisabled.Boot-time Diagnostic Screen allows you to display the diagnostic screenduring system boot-up.Wake-On-LAN (WOL) allow a LAN activity to wake up the system from S3(Sleep) state.Turbo Mode sets if turbo memory is enabled.Disabled