About This ManualOrganizationH3C S3100-52P Ethernet Switch Command Manual is organized as follows:Part Contents1 CLIIntroduces the commands used forswitching between the command levelsand command level setting.2 Login Introduces the commands used forlogging into the Ethernet switch.3 Configuration File Management Introduces the commands used formanipulating the configuration files.4 VLAN Introduces the commands used forconfiguring VLANs.5 IP Address and PerformanceIntroduces the commands used forconfiguring IP addresses and IPperformance.6 Voice VLAN Introduces the commands used for voiceVLAN configuration.7 GVRP Introduces the GVRP-relatedcommands.8 Port Basic Configuration Introduces the basic port configurationcommands.9 Link Aggregation Introduces the commands used for linkaggregation.10 Port Isolation Introduces the commands used for portisolation.11 Port Security-Port Binding Introduces the commands used for portsecurity configuration and port binding.12 DLDP Introduces the DLDP-relatedcommands.13 MAC Address Table Management Introduces the commands used for MACaddress forwarding table management.14 MSTP Introduces the STP-related commands.15 Static Route Introduces the commands used for staticroute configuration.16 Multicast Introduces the commands used formulticast protocol configuration.