English7EnglishCable ConnectionsThe LCD Colour Television provides multiple input and output ports to enableyou to connect different types of A/V devices such as an antenna or CATV line,a VCR / VCD / DVD player ,a satellite receiver or even a PC. The back panel ofthe LCD TV provides input and output jacks to make these connections possible.The following sections discuss the various ports and the types of A/V devicesthat can be connected to your TV .SCART1PC AUDIO INS- IN(vedio)R L(red) (white)(audio)(red) (white) (yellow)R L VAV- INR L(red) (white)AUDIO OUT(red) (blue) (green)(red) (red) (red)(white) (white) (white)L L LR R RCr/Pr Cb/Pb VCOMPONENTINPORT1PORT2SCART2SCART cable S-video cableComponent cableConnect to device with s-video output such as DVDplayer, Digital camera satel-lite receivers etc....Connect to device suchas DVD player, Digital TVreceiver, Digital satellitereceiver etc....567 8432154321A/V connectorConnect to device with A/V output such as VCR,VCD player ,DVD player etc....8Connect to device withSCART output such as DVDplayer, satellite receiversetc....7 9