Table 11 RTC103 N-module (2-channels) (continued)Tag name Parameter Unit Channel DescriptionRTC input NH4-N_in 2 mg/L 2 NH4-N influentRTC input NH4-N_eff 2 mg/L 2 NH4-N influent effluentRTC input TSS 2 g/L 2 TS concentrationRTC input DO 2 mg/L 2 Oxygen concentrationRTC input Inflow 2 L/s 2 Flow rate aeration laneRTC input IRC 2 L/s 2 Flow rate internal recirculationRTC input RAS 2 L/s 2 Flow rate return sludgeMEASUREMENT 1 — % 1 Nitrifiers concentrationMEASUREMENT 2 SRT days 1 Sludge Retention TimeACTUAT VAR 3 NH4-N kg/h 1 NH4-N influent load to nitrify.ACTUAT VAR 4 NffO 1 mg/L 1 DO necessary calculation from influent load.ACTUAT VAR 5 Osetp 1 mg/L 1 DO set pointACTUAT VAR 6 Oreg 1 — 1 Internal calculation value oxygen basedACTUAT VAR 7 B_S 1 Stage 1 Aeration stageACTUAT VAR 8 A_S 1 % 1 Aeration intensity VFD 1ACTUAT VAR 9 A_S 2 % 1 Aeration intensity VFD 2ACTUAT VAR 10 NH4-N kg/h 2 NH4-N influent load to nitrify.ACTUAT VAR 11 NffO 2 mg/L 2 DO necessary calculated from influent load.ACTUAT VAR 12 Osetp 2 mg/L 2 DO set pointACTUAT VAR 13 Oreg 2 — 2 Internal calculation value oxygen basedACTUAT VAR 14 B_S 2 Stage 2 Aeration stageACTUAT VAR 15 A_S 1 % 2 Aeration intensity VFD 1ACTUAT VAR 16 A_S 2 % 2 Aeration intensity VFD 2Table 12 RTC111 SRT-module (1-channel)Tag name Parameter Unit Channel DescriptionRTC input TSS AE 1 g/L 1 TS concentration aeration basinRTC input TSS SAS 1 g/L 1 TS concentration surplus activated sludgeRTC input TSS eff 1 g/L 1 TS concentration effluentRTC input DO1_1 mg/L 1 O2 concentration aeration zone 1RTC input DO1_2 mg/L 1 Optional: O2 concentration aeration zone 2RTC input DO1_3 mg/L 1 Optional: O2 concentration aeration zone 3RTC input DO1_4 mg/L 1 Optional: O2 concentration aeration zone 4RTC input SAS flow 1 mg/L 1 Flow rate surplus activated sludgeRTC input Flow 1 mg/L 1 Flow rate influentMEASUREMENT 1 Qeff 1 L/s 1 Effluent flow as supplied to the RTC.14 English