Functions and control21 Domestic air conditionercontrol-driven chip will enter into weak magnetic control, this will help to relieve the problem ofmodification rate. If during the course of weak magnetic control, the modification rate is still not highenough, enter into the control of decreasing frequency until the alarm of modification rate is relieved. Temperature protection of the outdoor refrigerating coilWhen the frequency are higher than 40Hz,and the defrosting sensor’s temperature are higher than68 , the frequency of the compressor decreases 1hz/10seconds. Keep the frequency until itdecreases to the lowest frequency. When the temperatures are lower than 68 and higher than 62 ,keep the frequency of the compressor. When the temperatures are lower than 62 , relieve thedefrosting temperature protection.7.2 Value of ThermistorAmbient Sensor, Defrosting SensorR25 =10K 3% B25 /50 =3700K 3%Temp.( ) Max.(K ) Normal(K ) Min.(K ) Tolerance( )-30 165.2170 147.9497 132.3678 -1.94 1.75-29 155.5754 139.5600 125.0806 -1.93 1.74-28 146.5609 131.7022 118.2434 -1.91 1.73-27 138.1285 124.3392 111.8256 -1.89 1.71-26 130.2371 117.4366 105.7989 -1.87 1.70-25 122.8484 110.9627 100.1367 -1.85 1.69-24 115.9272 104.8882 94.8149 -1.83 1.67-23 109.4410 99.1858 89.8106 -1.81 1.66-22 103.3598 93.8305 85.1031 -1.80 1.64-21 97.6556 88.7989 80.6728 -1.78 1.63-20 92.3028 84.0695 76.5017 -1.76 1.62-19 87.2775 79.6222 72.5729 -1.74 1.60-18 82.5577 75.4384 68.8710 -1.72 1.59-17 78.1230 71.5010 65.3815 -1.70 1.57-16 73.9543 67.7939 62.0907 -1.68 1.55-15 70.0342 64.3023 58.9863 -1.66 1.54-14 66.3463 61.0123 56.0565 -1.64 1.52-13 62.8755 57.9110 53.2905 -1.62 1.51-12 59.6076 54.9866 50.6781 -1.60 1.49-11 56.5296 52.2278 48.2099 -1.58 1.47-10 53.6294 49.6244 45.8771 -1.56 1.46-9 50.8956 47.1666 43.6714 -1.54 1.44-8 48.3178 44.8454 41.5851 -1.51 1.42-7 45.8860 42.6525 39.6112 -1.49 1.40-6 43.5912 40.5800 37.7429 -1.47 1.39-5 41.4249 38.6207 35.9739 -1.45 1.37-4 39.3792 36.7676 34.2983 -1.43 1.35-3 37.4465 35.0144 32.7108 -1.41 1.33