Watching TV continuedSwap function enables quick swap to the last watched program.Auto scan function enables automatic successive scanning of all the programs inmemory with (each channel will last about 2 seconds)."OFF" skip statusProgram swap and auto scan functionsProgram swap1 Suppose the channel numberyou used just now is 8 and thechannel number you are usingis 18 (as shown in the figure).2 If you want to return to thelast watched program channel8, you can simply press theSWAP button.3 If you want to return tochannel 18, press the buttonagain. Through this function,you can easily changebetween the channel you areusing and the channel youused last time.Auto program scan1 If you want to select a desirable program, you may scanall the TV programs in memory. You can simply press theSCAN button to do this. The program numbers will appearone after another from beginning to end (each channelnumber will last about 2 seconds).2 If you want to stop the function during auto scanning, simplypress the SCAN button again.SWAPSCAN18AUTODK8AUTODK18AUTODK