Service diagnosis11Domestic air conditionerCode indicationfault description ReferencePageIndoordisplayingpanel codeindicationOutdoor(LED1 flashtimes)Indoor andOutdoor E7 15 Communication fault between indoor andoutdoor units Page53.Indoor MalfunctionE1 -- Room temperature sensor failure Page43.E2 -- Heat-exchange sensor failure Page43..25egaProrreMORPEEroodnI--4EE14 -- Indoor fan motor malfunction Page44.OutdoorMalfunction.25egaProrreMORPEEroodtuO121FF1 2 .84egaPMPIfonoitcetorpehTF22 3 Overcurrent protection of AC electricityfor the outdoor model Page57 .F3 4 Communication fault between the IPM andoutdoor PCB Page50.F19 6 Power voltage is too high or low Page55 .F27 7 Compressor is lock-rotor or stoppedmomentary Page56F4 8 Overheat protection for Dischargetemperature Page51.74egaPtluafrotomnafCDroodtuO98FF21 10 Defrost temperature sensor failure Page43.F7 11 Suction temperature sensor failure Page43.F6 12 Ambient temperature sensor failure Page43.F25 13 Discharge temperature sensor failure Page4395egaPtnaregirferfotrohS6131FF11 18 deviate from the normal for the compressor Page56.F28 19 Loop of the station detect error Page56./ 21 Over load protection of indoor system Page56.F2 24 Overcurrent of the compressor Page57.F23 25 Overcurrent protection for single-phase of thecompressor Page57.E9 21 High work-intense protection Page59 .42