Cautions WARNINGPlease call Sales/Service Shop for the Installation.Do not attempt to install the air conditioner by yourself because improper worksmay cause electric shock, fire, water leakage.Connect the earthcable.earthingWARNINGWhen abnormality such as burnt-small found,immediately stop the operation button andcontact sales shop.OFFUse an exclusivepower sourcewith a circuitbreakerENFORCEMENTConnect power supply cordto the outlet completely Use the proper voltageDo not use power supplycord in a bundle.Take care not to damagethe power supply cord.1.Do not use power supply cord extendedor connected in halfwaySTRICTENFORCEMENTSTRICTSTRICTENFORCEMENT PROHIBITIONPROHIBITION PROHIBITIONPROHIBITIONDo not start or stop theoperation by disconnectingDo not channel the air flow directlyat people, especially at infants orthe aged.Do not try to repair orreconstruct by yourself.Do not use for the purpose of storage offood, art work, precise equipment,breeding, or cultivation.CAUTIONTake fresh air occasionally especiallywhen gas appliance is running at thesame time.PROHIBITIONSTRICTENFORCEMENTDo not operate the switch withwet hand.PROHIBITIONPROHIBITIONPROHIBITION PROHIBITIONPROHIBITIONDo not install the unit near a fireplaceor other heating apparatus. Check good condition of theinstallation standDo not pour water onto the unitfor cleaningPROHIBITIONDo not place animals or plants inthe direct path of the air flow Do not place any objects on orclimb on the unit.Do not place flower vase or watercontainers on the top of the unit.Do not insert objects into the airinlet or outlet.PROHIBITIONPROHIBITIONPROHIBITIONSTRICTENFORCEMENTCheck properinstallation of thedrainage securelythe power supply cordand so on.2. Do not install in the place where there is anypossibility of inflammable gas leakage around the unit.3.Do not get the unit exposedto vapor or oil steam.6