Trouble shooting24FAILURECODESTATE OFLED 5-4-3-2-1TROUBLESHOOTING POSSIBLE REASONSDC fan motor fault Fan is blocked, or the terminal is disconnected fromthe PCBFaulty 4-way valveswitching onCoil of 4-way valve is disconnected, or faulty outdoorPCBAbnormal communicationbetween main PCB andSPDU(or ISPM)Communication cables broken, or not be wellconnected, or faulty main PCB, or faulty SPDU(orISPM)Compressor be locked Faulty compressor or SPDU(or ISPM)Compressor vibration too big Faulty compressorCompressor lose position Faulty SPDU(or ISPM)Faulty compressor start Faulty compressor or SPDU(or ISPM)Faulty position checkingcircuit Faulty SPDU(or ISPM)Compressor broken Faulty compressor or SPDU(or ISPM)1516252627282930311 Faulty defrost sensor Te Sensor disconnected, or broken, or short circuitFaulty sensor Tao Sensor disconnected, or broken, or short circuit2Faulty sensor Ts Sensor disconnected, or broken, or short circuit3Faulty sensor Td Sensor disconnected, or broken, or short circuit4Input overcurrentOver current of the system, or broken of the currentsensor,or malfunction with indoor or outdoor fanmotors, or faulty PCB.5Abnormal communicationbetween indoor and outdoorunitsWrong connection, or the wires be disconnected, orwrong address setting of indoor units, or faulty PCB,or faulty power supply6System high pressureprotectionHigh pressure switch is disconnected, or high pressureswitch worked, or Tc too high and faulty outdoor fanmotor when cooling, or faulty indoor fan motors whenheating, or refrigerant overabundance9System low pressureprotectionLow pressure switch is disconnected, or low pressureswitch worked, or Te too low and faulty outdoor fanmotors when heating, or faulty indoor fan motor whencooling, or refrigerant shortage10IPM protectionIPM over current, or short circuit, or IPM temperaturetoo high, or IPM input voltage too low,or faulty SPDU(or ISPM).11EEPROM fault Faulty outdoor unit PCB12Over hot protection ofcompressorSerious lack of refrigerant of the system, or theambient temperature too high, or PMVs be blocked13Over hot protection of SPDU(or ISPM) Ambient tempreatrue too high, or outdoor fan beblocked, or bad air circulation of outdoor unit14Faulty sensor Tc Sensor disconnected, or broken, or short circuit17Faulty sensor Toci Sensor disconnected, or broken, or short circuit21Low voltage protection VDC<194V, too low voltage from power source2324 High voltage protection VDC>400V, too high voltage from power sourceTake off the plastic cover on the right side of the unit, you can find the LEDs near the communicationterminal. Symbol means the LED is ON, and symbol means the LED is OFF.